PR ABC. An introduction to getting your story in the media

PR ABC. An introduction to getting your story in the media

Tue, Feb 22, 2022 10:00 AM The team at Marketing With Purpose are absolutely committed to helping organisations get their message out there and change communities for the better, which is why in this FREE webinar we will be sharing some golden nuggets and wisdom that...
Northern Fortress Films Ltd

Northern Fortress Films Ltd

WHAT WE DO Northern Fortress Films is a Keighley based Film and Video Production Company creating films that celebrate the North and tackle difficult social issues. OUR IMPACT Visit their website Contact Northern Fortress Films Email
Keighley Bids Social Enterprise Town Status

Keighley Bids Social Enterprise Town Status

We are in the news! Read all about our bid to become a social enterprise town in the Keighley News.   Support Us Find a Social Enterprise If you are looking to shop more...
Why is Keighley bidding to be a social enterprise town?

Why is Keighley bidding to be a social enterprise town?

Our Aims – Why we decided to go for this We want to see Keighley thrive by: Building awareness of social enterprise Get consumers, local businesses and the public sector ‘Buying Social and Buying Local’ Attract new finance and funding into Keighley for social...
Positive Strength CIC

Positive Strength CIC

WHAT WE DO Positive Strength is a not for profit Community Interest Company working throughout the UK. Our aim is to help improve the health and well-being of those who we work with. We design and deliver evidence-based Physical Exercise Programmes for people Over 65...